A9. Why You Should Learn Manual Mode

  1. What three settings make a photographic exposure? The ISO, Shutter speed, and Aperture. 
  2. How does the focal length affect the shutter speed? Shutter speed always needs to be one over your focal length to offset hand handled camera shake. 
  3. If the focal length is 70mm, what is the slowest shutter speed to hand hold? The slowest shutter speed to hand hold is 1/70th of a second. 
  4. It the focal length is 300mm, what is the slowest shutter speed to hand hold? The slowest shutter speed to hand hold is 1/300th of a second.
  5. The lower the number on aperture (such as f/3.5) will do what to the depth of field? The lower the number on aperture the less depth of field and more broken there will be. 
  6. What is depth of field? The distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in image
  7. Which aperture lets in less light, f/3.5 or f/22? The aperture f/3.5 lets in less light. 
  8. What is ISO? The ISO is the sensitivity of your cameras sensor to light. 
  9. The higher the number on the ISO, results in what two things will be the result? The higher the number on the ISO the more noise that an image will have but will be more sensitive to light. 
  10. What does the author recommend that you start with on your exploration of shooting in manual mode? The author suggests that to start my explanation I should do aperture first and think of the question of how much depth of field I want. 
  11. Why is it important to try different lighting settings? Strength of light will be the number one factor to figure out settings. From the light you can figure out depth of field and if you need to freeze your subject. 
  12. What lighting settings will you try tomorrow? I will try the light setting of shade in sunlight yet still let the light peak through the picture.  
  13. Why is it important to understand how to shoot in manual mode? It is important to shoot in manual mode because it will help you understand the settings in a much more intuitive way. 
  14. How will learning Manual mode help you understand Shutter Priority and Aperture Priority better? Learning the manual mode will get you a better understanding of shutter priority and aperture priority and help decide which setting to shoot on. 


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