#J3. A Park Bench, Assigned February 6, 2019

  1. From what vantage point (camera angle) are all of these images captured? He shot these pictures at a high vantage point above the park from his parents kitchen.
  2. Where do you think the photographer was to capture these images? Outside the window from his parents fourth floor kitchen. 
  3. What kind/type of light is in the images? Is the light consistent? The type of light throughout all these images was natural light so the light was not consistent throughout all the pictures since they were taken at different times of the day. 
  4. What does the light tell you about the photographer and his life? The light shows the emotions throughout the peoples days and in these images the lighting shows how the photographer was maybe feeling throughout his day due to the weather.
  5. What seasons are shown in the images?  How do you know? Winter, summer, and spring are shown throughout these images. 
  6. Why do you think the photographer did this series? He put these exhibitions of photos in a series because he got an idea from his friends to capture different sets of situations.
  7. What stories did you find in the images? I these images I found the sorties of sadness, joy, love, and patience shown by the people and what they are doing. 
  8. Describe your favorite image from this series. My favorite image from these series is dark and sad because of the lonely homeless man sitting at the bench by frozen snow around nothing but a dog in the park. 
  9. Write the story that comes to mind from your favorite image. (0ne paragraph minimum). The story that comes to my mind when I see this image is how helpless the man must seem at such an old age and how lonely he must be in the cold weather with the dog.
  10. What subjects can you think of that would make an interesting photographic series over several decades? (A decade is 10 years.) List at least 5. Crowds of people, the sunrise over downtown, a hug oak tree, moving cars, and an artist drawing a picture. 
  11. What subjects can you think of that would make an interesting photographic series over 365 days (1 year)? List at least 5. A park swing, a train stop, and airport, downtown, and moving cars in a parking lot. 
  12. What subjects can you think of that would make an interesting photographic series over one month (30 days)? List at least 5. Planted fruit and vegetables, the rebuilding of a torn down building, moving cars on a highway, a park play set, and an artist creating a piece. 
  13. Do all of your series ideas involve people (or traces of human presence) or no people? Why or why not? Yes my series involve people because the expressions on their faces show and demonstrate the emotion I want my viewer to feel.


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