Avoiding the Cliche in a High School Art Project

  1. What does the word cliche mean?  A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.
  2. What are the nine steps for avoiding the cliche in an art project? Write them in your own words–do NOT cut and paste. 1. Search up cliche responses to your theme. 2. Create an idea board and plan out your images. 3. Find artists' work similar to yours 4. Research sites 5. Look for underrated places people don't usually go to for pictures. 6. Don't think of one idea look for others. 7. Have an open mind to others ideas and opinions. 8. Develop your ideas in creative ways. 9. Experiment with new techniques. 
  3. What were the ideas that Ella had that she wanted to show in her artwork? She had ideas about New York and 9/11.
  4. How did Ella avoid cliches? To be original she combined different elements design in all her works. Also she looked for quirky ways to show what she had in mind. 
  5. How did Ella’s methods of presenting her photographic work add to her message? She was able to make connections with her pieces that seemed different and apply photography with art. 
  6. What ideas (note: ideas is plural, not singular) are you considering for your semester project? I want to explore color more now that my concentration is suppose to be moving to feeling free which color does. 
  7. What attracts you to these ideas? WHY do you like them? It fits my theme and help me get out of my comfort zone and I know other people have been very successful with color which motivates me to do good.
  8. What message(s) or story are you hoping to convey? I hope to convey a sense of strength in fear and freedom in overcoming what you may be going through. 
  9. How are you going to make people interested in looking at your work?  Why should anyone else care about it? The pieces I have chosen are very eye-catching themselves and with one person as my subject the viewer want to understand my story. 
  10. What are you thinking of doing to present/display your semester project? Photograph Charlotte and display my concentration
  11. How can you use the method of display/presentation to strengthen your story/message? I can strengthen my message by putting my pieces in an order that makes sense in order to tell my story.
  12. What new thoughts and ideas do you now have? I now know that though images may seem different from one another there is always a way to connect them and make them follow your story if you do it the right way. 


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