#JA1-Photography Journal Assignment 1. Mobiles and The Death of Conversation
Do you usually have your cell phone out and visible? If I need my cell phone to do something I will usually have it out, but I try and not to have it out a lot. Would you rate learning something new as a complex task or an easy task? I would rate learning something new as a complex task because you have not learned this material before. What happens to performance on complex tasks when a cell phone is visible? Performance on complex tasks suffered because the cell phone distracted them from doing things they needed to get done. How does having a cell phone out remind people of a “broader social community? People who have phones out remind them of a "broader social community" because they have access to the internet and texting. Does the presence of a cell phone change the performance of easy tasks? Yes it does because they distract you from what you should actually be focused on. What did the presence of a cell phone do to the quality of social interaction ...