#J2. Ransom and Mitchell—“A Wonderful Mess,”

  1. What is your reaction? My reactions to these images is just how unique and abstract they are. I find both these images to be very interesting in wanting to know what is happening and their vibrant colors.
  2. How do you think they do it? They first take actual pictures of what can be made and then they must have put the image through photoshop to create more vibrant colors and the unrealistic things attached to both the bird and the women. 
  3. Which gallery was the most interesting and why? The most interesting gallery to look at was the Fine Art because the images all told unique stories with the water and creatures under the water but still making the feel like real life.
  4. Which gallery was the least interesting and why? The Commercial gallery was the least interesting for me to look at since they overall don't look realistic and seem very odd to my liking and random.
  5. Read the “about r&m” page? Who are they and who does what? Ransom and Mitchell are a  still and motion creative team in San Francisco. They create highly detailed and visually-lush photography.Stacey Ransom is a digital artist/set designer and Jason Mitchell who is a director/photographer.


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